| | CHRISTMAS MASSES Saturday, Dec. 24: 9PM - VIGIL MASS OF THE NATIVITY Sunday, Dec. 25: 8:30 AM - MASS OF THE SHEPHERDS OF BETHLEHEM - this is a quiet Mass, with a cantor but no choir |
| | CHRISTMAS WEEK SCHEDULE The Mission office and grounds will be closed during the week between Christmas and New Year's, except for the regular schedule of Mass and Adoration: MASS - 11:30 AM - Wednesday and Friday ADORATION - 7 -8 PM - Thursday MASS - 8:o0 AM -Saturday, New Year's Eve ADORATION - 9-10 PM - Saturday, New Year's Eve MASS - 10:00 AM - Sunday, New Year's Day |
| | HIS ARMY OF LIGHT-BEARERS The Victory of Light Over Darkness |
| | In our recent Advent newsletter we briefly related the story of Manuel Foderà, a young Italian boy who died from cancer in 2010 at the age of nine. Manuel appeared to have many mystical experiences. In one instance he asked Jesus what he could give Him for Christmas and Jesus replied, " Always show My joy to others. Be a warrior of light in the midst of darkness." We invited our readers to consider asking that same question of Jesus. And then we offered His "response," which we have shared in installments in our Friday Meditations throughout Advent. Today we offer the conclusion in which we are united with all God's warriors to achieve THE RECONQUEST OF EACH HEART. You will not be alone, My Light-Bearers, My Warriors of Light, You will be united with My Heavenly Army, And with all My children who are still being purified and healed, and with all My little warriors of earth, united in this great Work of Mercy: the Reconquest of each heart created by Me. This is the complete victory of Light over darkness. MDM Advent 2022 newsletter |
| | MDM's CHRISTMAS NOVENA For Our Bethany Associates Every year at this time we offer a very special NOVENA OF MASSES that begins with the Christmas Vigil Mass and concludes on New Year's Day with the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God. We offer these Masses for all our Bethany friends, and we pray for your special intentions. How could we know your intentions? We may not, but GOD DOES, and that is what counts. A Bethany Associate is anyone who considers themselves a friend of the Mission. Which probably includes anyone reading this email. Don't worry, God knows who you are! |
| | Another unintended Christmas gift from Dave Sommers for your entertainment or commiseration. When he sent this account to the Community and staff in a recent email he called it "The Pie Caper." We are calling it: The Pies Before Christmas I had to go to HEB ( for those outside of Texas, this is our local grocery store~Editor)) on Friday to pick up a few items. I thought I would get in and out quickly; I didn’t have much time. The parking lot was full, I had to park waaay down from HEB. This should have been my first clue / red flag. But not being a very experienced shopper, I went right on into what was to be a BIG error in judgement. Since I only needed a few items, I thought I could navigate the crowd. Have you ever noticed how mean people look when they are pushing a shopping cart through HEB? They all have their “game face” on, and the worst are the old men who don’t want to be there but were ordered to the store by their wife who knew better than to come to HEB on Friday the week before Christmas. Like me, they have no idea what they are doing or where things are, so they have flash backs to their youth when they were at the carnival driving bumper cars. As I worked my way through the aisles looking for the items on my list I went through a very narrow aisle where there were stacks of Christmas cookies, pies and cakes. In front of me, at the end of this aisle there was a stand where they were giving out samples of cheeses, and people were crowded around the stand, blocking the aisle. It was obvious that I was not going to get through this aisle with out a lot of difficulty, so I thought it best to turn around and get out of there. When I turned my shopping cart around, I hit the corner of a big stack of pies.... It was as if someone tossed a pie grenade. Pies went everywhere. A lady across from me shouted “I didn’t do it! He did,” as she was pointing at me. Store employees came running. The announcement of “clean up on the pastry aisle” was ringing out for all to hear. I could not get out of the aisle because of all the pies and people around me so I stood there with my big empty shopping cart waiting for the HEB police to take me away. There was nothing I could do so I joined in the cleanup sorting the damaged pies from the stackable pies as some little Chinese lady was telling me “You do bad thing, pies messy,” like I needed a class in pie destruction. Do you know how far an apple pie can splatter when it hits the floor? I didn’t either until Friday. As soon as I got out of the aisle I headed straight for the door. I thought it best to shop another day…….at a different store! I hope my embarrassing morning can bring a smile to you the next time you are in the pie aisle at HEB. Dave |
| | Encounter With Jesus Retreats The Women's/English Encounter is full, but please call 830-302-9707 to sign up for the waiting list. There are always last minute cancellations. 2023 January 26-29—Men/Spanish Registration Link for Men/Spanish EWJ February 9-12 – Women/English-FULL March 9-12 -MEN/ENGLISH May 4-7 –WOMEN/SPANISH - Registration will open on our website, two months prior to each retreat.
- Each person must register individually, not as a group, so that we have contact information.
- We cannot reserve spaces in advance of the opening date for reservation.
- Due to limited space, we will give priority to those who have not made an EWJ.
- Prior retreatants wishing to make another retreat should call 830-302-9707 to be placed on the waiting list.
- For more information about the EWJ retreat, please go to our webpage: www.missionofdivinemercy.org
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| | Saturday Morning Reflection Saturday, January 7 9:15 AM at Msgr. O'Callaghan Center Brother Mikael will speak on Eschatology and Antichrist Reflections on Matthew 24 from Traditional and Modern Sources No Registration Required |
| | Confession is heard Saturday mornings by appointment, and on Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:45 on a first-come, first-serve basis. Sign up to receive weekly email notifications for Saturday Confession appointment. |
| | | A NETWORK OF TRUST "This is what MDM is called to be: a growing communion of trust in His Mercy for our needy world." ~ Fr. John Mary MDM started encouraging people to pray "Jesus, I trust in You" ten times a day back in 2011. Recently we felt it was important to remind people to turn to Jesus with this simple, powerful prayer in a world that feels more and more out of control. We are suggesting 20 times, but some people find themselves repeating it hundreds of times. It reminds our troubled souls that GOD IS IN CONTROL. Many of you have put your name on our growing list and have also left a prayer intention or testimony: Your life of prayer gives encouragement to us who feel that the world is in deep trouble by taking prayer out of our schools and at public events.~Mark Oh my Jesus I Trust in You! You are always with me. There are others on my walk that don’t even realize I can not trust them. That they are hurtful. They only see what they need. I would rather spend time with you in the Garden of Gethsemene and leave the pain from my broken heart. That is not where I’m called. That peace will come with you in our eternal home. Please remind me of your presence leading me on the rocky path to Jerusalem. Jesus I Trust in You. ~Jill Become another link in this growing Network of Trust by clicking on the button below. |
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| Fr. John Mary's Sunday Homily Dec. 18, 2022 The Passion of St. Joseph The simple words of the Gospel hide the extreme suffering of St. Joseph when his betrothed is with child. What was that trial like? What can it teach couples, and all of us? |
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| Thank you for considering a donation in support of the Mission of Divine Mercy. The Mission has no regular source of income, and we receive no diocesan funding. Every bit of support comes from people like you; people whom God introduces to the Mission. We try to steward your money wisely and make each dollar work hard for Him and for His people. |
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| | | Contact Us Mission of Divine Mercy P.O. Box 1759 Canyon Lake, TX 78133 830-302-2238 mercy@mdm.faith |
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