Mass in Spanish this Sunday, May 7

Due to EWJ Spanish Retreat.
Please pray for the women making this retreat.

Mary's Heart
Refuge and
 Secret Garden

At Fatima, Mary appeared to the three young shepherd children and gave them
Her Immaculate Heart as a Refuge for the times in which they, and we, are living.
 Her Heart is a Refuge for surviving all the attacks,
present and future of Her great enemy, Satan. 
This Refuge is open to all of  Mary's children.
It is a secret Garden where you are always safe from the enemy,
Her Heart is in His, and His Heart is in Hers.
They are so united that They become one same Heart.
Never hesitate to entrust yourself to Mary
out of fear that She could distract you from Jesus.
In Mary, ONLY Jesus lives, 
and He wants to share with us the Dwelling that He Himself had:
Her Heart and Her Being.  
When you entrust yourself to Mary and decide to live in Her Heart,
She can form you in Faith, Humility and Docility to the Will of the Father.
She can keep you safe for Jesus.

Thank you, Mary, for loving us as Your children.



Every First Saturday of the month we will have a simple Rite of Investiture with the Brown Scapular after our 8 AM Mass for all those interested. You can bring your own Scapular or you may acquire one at our Sacramental House, which is open whenever the Mission grounds are open.




Moses Came Down from the Mountain Bringing the Ten Commandments....

....And Dave Sommers found a new home for them here at the Mission.

Dave knows that people like to seek out their own spot to rest, pray or meditate when they are here at the Mission, especially when they are on retreat.  And he has made it part of his job to create lovely, shady locations for them.  He thinks that the new Ten Commandments prayer spot would be a natural place for an examination of conscience.


Memorial Day Order for Memorials


Fr. John Mary blesses the new Memorials on the Feast of All Souls, 2022. 

We will be placing our next memorials order on Friday, May 26th, the Friday of Memorial Day weekend.  All memorial requests that have been placed this Spring, will be sent in then.  In an effort to defray the cost of shipping we try to accrue several orders and place them at one time. To learn more or place an order use the button below. 


Confession is heard Saturday mornings by appointment,  and on Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:45 on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Sign up to receive weekly email notifications for Saturday Confession appointment.



"This is what MDM is called to be: a growing communion of trust in His Mercy
for our needy world." ~ Fr. John Mary

MDM started encouraging people to pray "Jesus, I trust in You"  ten times a day back in 2011. Recently we felt it was important to remind people to turn to Jesus with this simple, powerful prayer in a world that feels more and more out of control. We are suggesting 20 times, but some people find themselves repeating it hundreds of times. It reminds our troubled souls that GOD IS IN CONTROL. 

Many of you have put your name on our growing list and have also left a prayer intention or testimony:


Our Lord Jesus Christ healed me after showing me His Hands... He let me touch His Healed wounds. His Mercy Endures Forever!!! Jesus also said: “Tell them to Pray the Rosary. ” Thank You for your missionary work of Divine Mercy. Many miracles are happening these days. God’s Blessing through the Hands of His Blessed Mother. “JESUS , I TRUST IN YOU. ~ Janice


Jesus I trust in you! ~ Lisa


Jesus I trust in you! ~ Elizabeth

I am an added witness testifying with all praise and honor and name You love so well. Catch me Lord , I'm falling... again.~Daedae


Please pray for my son David and his little family. And For Phylip who suffers from anxiety. He needs you Jesus to give him wisdom to be clean from the evil that haunts him, he needs healing. … Jesus I trust in you. ~ Angie


Thank you! ~Kelly

My husband, Dale and I had a wonderful time visiting your breathtaking place. ~Joy

Become another link in this growing Network of Trust by clicking on the button below.



Fr. John Mary's Sunday Homily 

Life lessons…from sheep!

APRIL 30, 2023

Isn’t that degrading?  The great King David, warrior and king, had begun as a shepherd. Yet he compares himself to a sheep.



Yes, You Can Help!

Front Row, L-R: Suzannah, Mother Magdalene, Sr. Amapola.
Back Row, L-R: Br. Mikael, Peter, Fr. John Mary, Raymundo, Br. Daniel.


Thank you for considering a donation in support of the Mission of Divine Mercy.  The Mission has no regular source of income, and we receive no diocesan funding.  Every bit of support comes from people like you; people whom God introduces to the Mission.  We try to steward your money wisely and make each dollar work hard for Him and for His people.

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P.O. Box 1759
Canyon Lake, TX 78133

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