| | Please pray for the women making this weekend's Encounter With Jesus retreat. |
| | This Great Mystery No One Dies Alone |
| | Christ veils the mystery of the hour of death. But in this hour that arrives for each one of us, trust that Christ in His Mercy acts in an immediate and limitless way. He veils before our eyes what He does in that hour. And we should not look too much at the manner of death, at its apparent uselessness or lack of dignity, BECAUSE BEHIND ANY DEATH THERE IS A GREAT MYSTERY. He may permit certain deaths to be more visible testimonies before the world: as a sign of that soul’s union with God; as a help for the families; as a warning and a call to repentance; or for many other reasons known only to God. We should pray for everyone. Because God uses all prayer, and prayer goes beyond the limits of time. In the midst of this great mystery that is death, there is one thing we can hang on to: NO ONE DIES ALONE. No one. Your Guardian Angel is with you. The Love and Presence of your Heavenly Mother is with you. Jesus and His Offering are with you. NO ONE DIES ALONE. Mission of Divine Mercy February 10, 2023 |
| | No Public Mass Next Wednesday, February 15 due to New Deanery Meeting Schedule. |
| | After Mass Fellowship Sunday February, 19 |
| | | | Dave and his crew have been working practically nonstop to help the Mission recover from the storm damage, especially with the view of preparing it for this week's Encounter With Jesus. They are grateful to the volunteers, and to the crew from M.C. Ethridge, who made so much progress possible. However, there are many areas that still need attention. Another positive note, despite the hundreds of fallen trees and branches, there was no damage to a building, a vehicle, or to the many statues at our prayer stations--all of which are under trees. There were some near misses. For instance a tree came down next to the building where the servers change, brushing it, but causing no damage. And our little camp house, now Sacramental House, which is surrounded by large oaks, came through unscathed. It must have nine lives. Holy Angels, thank you for protecting this Mission! |
| | Our Apologies, the Talks Are Not Available We have had several inquiries about the online availability of Brother Mikael's last two talks, Eschatology and the Anti-Christ, The Millennium and Millenarianism. Unfortunately, attempts to record both talks met with technical difficulties, or something.... Brother hopes to give each talk again so that they can be recorded. Jesus, we trust in You. |
| | Encounter With Jesus Retreat 2023 March 9-12 -MEN/ENGLISH Registration Link for Men's English March 9-12 May 4-7 –WOMEN/SPANISH - Registration will open on our website, two months prior to each retreat.
- If a retreat is full, call 830-302-9707 and ask to be put on the waiting list. There are always last minute cancellations.
- Each person must register individually, not as a group, so that we have contact information.
- We cannot reserve spaces in advance of the opening date for reservation.
- Due to limited space, we will give priority to those who have not made an EWJ.
- Prior retreatants wishing to make another retreat should call 830-302-9707 to be placed on the waiting list.
- For more information about the EWJ retreat, please go to our webpage: www.missionofdivinemercy.org
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| | Confession is heard Saturday mornings by appointment, and on Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:45 on a first-come, first-serve basis. Sign up to receive weekly email notifications for Saturday Confession appointment. |
| | | A NETWORK OF TRUST "This is what MDM is called to be: a growing communion of trust in His Mercy for our needy world." ~ Fr. John Mary MDM started encouraging people to pray "Jesus, I trust in You" ten times a day back in 2011. Recently we felt it was important to remind people to turn to Jesus with this simple, powerful prayer in a world that feels more and more out of control. We are suggesting 20 times, but some people find themselves repeating it hundreds of times. It reminds our troubled souls that GOD IS IN CONTROL. Many of you have put your name on our growing list and have also left a prayer intention or testimony: Please pray for my children. My son needs God in his life. My daughter has lupus and lymphoma. For my other daughter's education and a Catholic husband. Please pray for me and my husband, we care for my 93 year old mother.~Elvira *** For my son who has lost his faith. May he return to the Catholic Church and may he find a Catholic wife. ~Stephanie *** For the return to the faith for my adult children and grandchildren. Jesus, I trust in you. ~Mary I Have been saying for many years now “ Jesus I Trust In You” Jesus never fails me I’m the one who fails Him. Praise be Jesus' holy name. ~ Bill *** For the many wounded hearts who have no one to pray for them. ~ Laurel *** Become another link in this growing Network of Trust by clicking on the button below. |
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| Fr. John Mary's Sunday Homily February 5, 2023 We are very sorry to say that the homily did not record. The enemy must have felt it was too good! |
| Thank you for considering a donation in support of the Mission of Divine Mercy. The Mission has no regular source of income, and we receive no diocesan funding. Every bit of support comes from people like you; people whom God introduces to the Mission. We try to steward your money wisely and make each dollar work hard for Him and for His people. |
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| Forward this email to share it with a friend. They can use the button below to sign up! |
| | | Contact Us Mission of Divine Mercy P.O. Box 1759 Canyon Lake, TX 78133 830-302-2238 mercy@mdm.faith |
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