Your Battle Shield 
For These Times




As God’s co-workers, warriors in His Hidden Army, we are assisted by our Guardian Angels, whose help is ever present to us.

Each of us has been assigned an Angel to assist us in all things and to ward off the ceaseless attacks of the enemy. 

Your Guardian Angel is there to guide, help and protect you, and the specific work that God has entrusted to you.

Your Guardian Angel never leaves your side; you are never alone, and the more you call on your Angel, the more he can help you. 

You may sense his presence and help.

“Holy Angels of God, help us!”  Unite this cry to “Jesus, I trust in You,” and to the powerful Sign of the Cross, and to the powerful Name of Mary Most Holy, Queen of the Angels. 
Each of these prayers from your heart will act as a shield for you and for all of God’s children in these times.


July 29, 2022
Mission of Divine Mercy




The Mission will open up again on Tuesday, August 2.

  Wednesday, August 3 and Friday, August 5 at 11:30 AM. 
 Saturday, August 6 at 8:00 AM
 Sunday, August 7 at 9:00 AM.


The Thursday evening Holy Hour of Adoration, with Confession available, will begin on Aug. 4 at 7:00 PM.

We look forward to seeing all of our friends again!



Every First Saturday of the month we have a simple Rite of Investiture with the Brown Scapular after our 8 AM Mass for all those interested. Please bring your own Scapular or you may purchase one at our Sacramental building, which is open whenever the Mission grounds are open.


September Retreat Is Full
But You Can Sign Up for Wait List

Encounter With Jesus Retreats

Begin this Fall

September 8-11 – Women/English ( use link below)


October 6-9 - Women/Spanish 
December 8-11 – Men/English


January 26-29—Men/Spanish
February 9-12 – Women/English

March 9-12 -Women/Spanish

May 4-7 – Men/English


  • Registration will open on our website,  two months prior to each retreat.
  • Each person must register individually, not as a group, so that we have contact information.
  • We cannot reserve spaces in advance of the opening date for reservation.
  • Due to limited space, we will give priority to those who have not made an EWJ
  • Prior retreatants wishing to make another retreat should call 830-302-9707 to be placed on the waiting list. 
  • For more information about the EWJ retreat, please go to our webpage:


"This is what MDM is called to be: a growing communion of trust in His Mercy
for our needy world." ~ Fr. John Mary

MDM started encouraging people to pray "Jesus, I trust in You"  ten times a day back in 2011. Recently we felt it was important to remind people to turn to Jesus with this simple, powerful prayer in a world that feels more and more out of control. We are suggesting 20 times, but some people find themselves repeating it hundreds of times. It reminds our troubled souls that GOD IS IN CONTROL. 

Many of you have put your name on our growing list and have also left a prayer intention or testimony:

"The more I pray, the more I see God hears my prayers. I do trust in Jesus."~ Nancy

"I will commit to saying this 20 times a day. I know that God forgives my sin, but I am trying to forgive myself. Thank you for your love of the Holy Father and for us. "~ Anonymous


Become another link in this growing Network of Trust by clicking on the button below.


Fr. John Mary's Sunday Homily
Will Be Back in August.



Yes, You Can Help!

Front Row, L-R: Suzannah, Mother Magdalene, Sr. Amapola.
Back Row, L-R: Br. Mikael, Peter, Fr. John Mary, Raymundo, Br. Daniel.


Thank you for considering a donation in support of the Mission of Divine Mercy.  The Mission has no regular source of income, and we receive no diocesan funding.  Every bit of support comes from people like you; people whom God introduces to the Mission.  We try to steward your money wisely and make each dollar work hard for Him and for His people.

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Mission of Divine Mercy
P.O. Box 1759
Canyon Lake, TX 78133

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