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Veneration on Divine Mercy Sunday 2022


To all God’s beloved children who trust in His Mercy: 

Sadly, for so many of our brothers and sisters, our God is the Great Unknown, because Satan has labored to distort His Image in their hearts.  The prince of this world has succeeded in making God almost unrecognizable to many of His children. Imagine how much pain this must cause Him. 

Now imagine the relief God must feel when, through your faith and trust, you open your heart completely to His Mercy. 

And when, with trust, you open your heart to Him, you allow Him to do the heavy work in the depths of your soul. Work that can cause you pain because it is the work of opening and deepening and expanding the vessel that is your heart, so that He may fill it even more with His Mercy.  Then you, with this overflow of His Mercy in your own heart, are able, in turn, to satiate the thirst and assuage the fears of your brothers and sisters, who, not knowing Him, are afraid to let Him in. 

In this way you become God’s co-worker: helping your brother and sister to see and learn Who the Triune Majestic God is in reality. 


The Mission of Divine Mercy
April 2022



"This is what MDM is called to be: a growing communion of trust in His Mercy for our needy world." ~ Fr. John Mary,  Advent Newsletter 2011

MDM started encouraging people to pray "Jesus, I trust in You"  ten times a day back in 2011.  By Divine Mercy Sunday, 2012 we had a list of nearly 1500 people who had agreed to do so. And they also sent us testimonies of the impact of that prayer in their lives. Some were funny, some brought tears,  all were inspiring. This simple prayer had a big impact on their lives.Recently we felt it was important to remind people to turn to Jesus with this simple, powerful prayer in a world that feels more and more out of control. It reminds our troubled souls that GOD IS IN CONTROL. 

Many of you have put your name on our growing list and have also left a testimony:

Years ago, I experienced a miraculous life changing response following intense prayer time with the chaplet of divine mercy.~Daniel

When you learn to trust and leave everything in God's hands, you will be amazed at how much He is always there for you; He will never let you down.~Nick

Started on  dialysis and on a kidney transplant list. Jesus, I trust in You.~Anonymous

Become another link in this growing Network of Trust by clicking on the button below.


Brown Scapular Investiture
Saturday, May 7th

Every First Saturday of the month we will have a simple Rite of Investiture with the Brown Scapular after our 8 AM Mass for all those interested. Please bring your own Scapular or you may purchase one at our Sacramental building, which is open whenever the Mission grounds are open.


Our Website Is UP and Running!

We invite you to visit our updated website. Lots of new photos, and lots of smiling volunteers. You might see yourself there!


Take a Walk with Some Good Friends

...and pour your heart out if you need to. We invite you to come to the Mission and make use of our quiet, peaceful, consecrated grounds to spend some time with Jesus & Mary, the Angels, the Saints and the Holy Souls. They are here for you.  Take an hour; take several hours.

Our "Walking with Jesus and Mary" brochures are available at no cost in English and Spanish at St. Raphael's Visitor Center as you enter the gate. 
The Mission grounds are open Tue.-Fri., from 8:30-5:00.


In my humble opinion, Father John Mary delivered an excellent homily on Divine Mercy Sunday. But it was so good that Satan didn't want us to share it ---so he infiltrated the system and caused it to malfunction.  Either that or Operator Error. In either case, the homily didn't record. 
So instead we offer last year's Divine Mercy Sunday homily --it is worth repeating!



Thomas, like us, struggles to believe because of all the evil he has experienced.  Jesus reveals that the terrible darkness has become the path to the Resurrection, and the victory of Mercy.  He calls for our cooperation: to trust in Him, to believe without seeing.


Yes, You Can Help!


Thank you for considering a donation in support of the Mission of Divine Mercy.  The Mission has no regular source of income, and we receive no diocesan funding.  Every bit of support comes from people like you; people whom God introduces to the Mission.  We try to steward your money wisely and make each dollar work hard for Him and for His people.

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Mission of Divine Mercy
P.O. Box 1759
Canyon Lake, TX 78133

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