To Guide the Nations Back to God
Living Lamps


Living A Christian Witness in These Times

You are surrounded by Light, though you cannot see it.
You are like living lamps set on high to guide the nations back to God.
To say to all souls: “Come! He is here. He awaits you, have no fear!”


But being set on high
means the separation from what is known and loved;
it means the loneliness, the vulnerability,
the visibility that makes one a bigger target
for the hatred and attacks of our enemy.


But you are not alone.


All of Heaven, all of creation,
is anxious for your missions to be completed,
and thus you have much help.


My brothers and sisters, look up. The time is near.
You are being readied for the hardships of battle.


Have no fear,  for our God conquers all;
He heals all; He saves all; He loves all.

There is no fear in Love.






Thursday evenings 7-8 PM by appt.
These appointments are made on line.
Please see our website to get on the email list.

Sunday Morning from 9-10:45 AM
On a first come, first served basis



MARCH 4 - 6

This retreat is full
but if you wish to be put on the waiting list, please call Sarah or Mariano Granados at (830) 302-9707.



 APRIL 1 - 3


This retreat is focused on Adoration of Jesus
in the Blessed Sacrament.

It is open only to those who have previously made an Encounter with Jesus retreat.
You can find more information on our website.



St. Faustina: Prophet

A presentation on the prophetic aspects of St. Faustina's life and the impact of the messages of Divine Mercy.

 By Brother Mikael


Saturday, March 12

in the O'Callaghan Divine Mercy Center
following 8:00 AM Mass

This is the same talk that Br. Mikael offered last year.


Open to all, no registration required



 It Is Always a Comfort to Walk with Good Friends

WJust a reminder that the  Mission of Divine Mercy welcomes you to use our consecrated grounds to make a personal pilgrimage—arranged by you and for you! Just stop by St. Raphael's (the building immediately to your right as you enter the gates) to pick up a pamphlet. They are available in English and Spanish.

We have listed all the different prayer sites on our property and have included scripture readings, prayers and information to help you enter more easily into a spirit of prayer and find comfort in our Church’s prayer traditions.

There is a map in the center of this pamphlet where all the sites can be located by their number. Please feel free to create your own pilgrimage, visiting those sites which speak to your particular needs.  Spend as much time as you wish. We just ask that you maintain silence or speak quietly so as not to disturb other pilgrims.

The Mission is open for your personal pilgrimage Tuesday through Friday from 8:30-4:30.




Sunday, February 20, 2022

The Grace of Forgiving

Forgiving can be very hard, but also very powerful for our own liberation.  Here is an exercise to help.



Our Sacramentals are located

in the Old Camp House,

 adjacent to the Shed.

Blessed Oil, Blessed Salt, Blessed Candles
and Holy Water

Each month Father blesses another allotment of Sacramentals for your use.


Yes, You Can Help!


Thank you for considering  a donation in support of the Mission of Divine Mercy. The Mission has no regular source of income, and we receive no diocesan funding.  Every bit of support comes from people like you; people whom God introduces to the Mission.  We try to steward your money wisely and make each dollar work hard for Him and for His people.

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Mission of Divine Mercy
P.O. Box 1759
Canyon Lake, TX 78133

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