Experiencing Turmoil?
Her Peace Is
Garment & Food


Mary's emblem on the workbench at St Joseph Workshop

From A Recent Reflection on Our Blessed Mother
For Her Children Who Are Weary and In Turmoil

Go to your Mother and rest on Her Heart, and in Her arms.
Breathe Her Love.

Ask Her to give you Her Peace as a GARMENT.
A garment of light to wear to warm you and soothe you,
To cool and heal all the wounds that you, one of Her warriors,
Have received in the battle of life.

Ask Her to give you Her Peace as FOOD,
As nourishment that will enter into your whole being.
So that Her Peace may enter every cell of your body,
Every thought, and every heartbeat.
So that Her Peace may claim you completely.

Even though the battles may be raging---
outside you and inside you---
In your depths, envelop yourself in Her Peace. 
The Peace that comes from Her Love for you, Her child,
As you attempt to fulfill God's will for you.




Registration Open for 
Cor Jesu Retreat
for Men 

March 4-6, 2022

Cor Jesu retreats are focused on Adoration of Jesus
in the Blessed Sacrament.  
They are only open to those who have previously made
an Encounter With Jesus retreat.

You can find more information on our website.  


The February 4-6
Women's Cor Jesu Retreat is Full


 Thursday Evening Holy Hour Resumes February, 3rd


"Jesus, I trust in You"  20X


In a recent column entitled "When Satan Torments the Mind," Msgr. Stephen Rossetti provides a list of weapons with which to do battle against Satan. Among the weapons was this:
+Turn to Jesus- repeatedly. Regularly using short exclamatory prayers can help focus the mind on Jesus. Typical prayers are: "Jesus I trust in you" or "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me a sinner" or "Jesus, Mary" or another short holy prayer of your own choosing.


To see Msgr. Rossetti's entire column


In this, our 20th Anniversary Year, we invite our friends to say
"Jesus, I trust in You," 20 times a day. And push Satan away


If you want to join MDM's Network of Trust, use the button below.



Sunday, Jan 23, 2022


January 22nd is the anniversary of the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion throughout our nation.  Today’s Gospel is a call to proclaim good news for the poor and oppressed.  How can we be instruments of God’s love and truth and mercy in this issue that has affected all of us?



Our Sacramentals are located

in the Old Camp House,

 adjacent to the Shed.

Blessed Oil, Blessed Salt, Blessed Candles
and Holy Water

Each month Father blesses another allotment of Sacramentals for your use.


Yes, You Can Help!


Thank you for considering  a donation in support of the Mission of Divine Mercy. The Mission has no regular source of income, and we receive no diocesan funding.  Every bit of support comes from people like you; people whom God introduces to the Mission.  We try to steward your money wisely and make each dollar work hard for Him and for His people.

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P.O. Box 1759
Canyon Lake, TX 78133

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